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Around the Corner and 

Around the World...

Our goal is to be a conduit for all God has given us, blessing those around the corner and around world!

Christian Counseling Ministry

There will always be storms, know you don't have to weather them alone.

Supported by local Churches of Christ with the express purpose of sharing the love of God in times of need, free of charge to all. Providing compassionate, caring counseling for all ages for 22 years.


Come see us or call:

 226 Sixth Street, Beverly Ohio 45715

1 740 984 4018




Ohio Valley Christian Academy


Ohio Valley Christian Assembly has been owned and operated by OVCA since 1968. Our mission states: "Ohio Valley Christian Assembly exists to recruit, equip, and empower campers to serve as leaders."  We believe this simple but profound mission serves to build Christ's church and benefit society by fostering the development of whole and effective people through transformational experiences. OVCA is a special place where relationship with God and each other grow deeper because of an environment free of distractions, a community that is authentic and supportive, and through programs focused on the development of the whole person.

Gonaives Christian Mission

Founded by Sainsurin Jean-Baptiste in 1989, its mission is to bring the love of Christ to the people of Haiti through the local Haitian church. Accomplished by supporting existing churches, establishing and planting new churches, training church leader and much, much more! 


Please click the link below to find out more!




Good New Productions International

GNPI is a non-profit organization that accelerates global evangelism through media. Ziden Nutt founded GNPI in 1976. Ziden experienced firsthand on the mission field the desperate need for missionaries and nationals to have culturally relevant Biblical resources. As a result, Ziden began producing simple filmstrip series using language and images from the local culture. Select the link below to visit their website and learn more!

Person to Person Ministries is dedicated to the restoration of Christianity as it is revealed in the New Testament Scriptures. We believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God, and the final authority in all things pertaining to Christianity. Christ promised the apostles that they would be guided into all truth (John 16:12-15). Therefore we believe that apostolic precedent (example) was directed by God and is as authoritative as verbal apostolic commands, That which the apostles led the church to do we seek to emulate.

Fifth Street Church

740 984 4180

229 Fifth Street, Beverly Ohio


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